Pumpkin Pie Cookies with Cream Cheese Frosting

This was one of those rare, perfect from the start recipes. I made it for a club pot luck, and it came out perfect, and everyone loved it. Everyone had more than one cookie I believe, and they really do taste great. Only a few left at the house right now, and they will be […]
Puppy Chow
This is a great recipe, super easy, and good for all kinds of snackers! Download QR Print QR
Milk Chocolate Bundt Cake
Super easy, and super lovely! Download QR Print QR
Soft Peanut Butter Cookies
I’m a bit surprised I haven’t done a “traditional” Peanut Butter Cookie recipe yet. When I searched I noticed I did one with shortening and such, but that’s not something most people have around. And while I remember it being a good recipe, I figured I would pull out a “normal” one from my pile […]
Lemon Cookies with Lemon Glaze

This is a great recipe, and makes some super moist cookies, as long as you don’t live where I live and everything dries out super quick. They are super tasty though, and easy to make if you want a quick recipe. Download QR Print QR
Chocolate Chip Cookies
I’m surprised I’ve not done just regular chocolate chip cookies yet, so here I go. What’s to say, basic and classic. Let’s get to baking! Sorry there is no picture for this one, I made some yesterday and they are all gone already. My bad. Download QR Print QR
Chocolate Chex Mix

Super easy recipe, and super tasty. Be prepared for V2 though, as this isn’t exactly what I want at the moment, but I’ll play with it a bit more and get you hopefully a better recipe! If you can’t tell, I also added pretzels to mine, but that’s not in the recipe, but you can […]
Carrot Cake Cupcakes
This is a great and super easy! You’ll love it, I know I did. Download QR Print QR
No Bake Reese’s Krispy Balls
I know I don’t have a picture for this, but I was really tired this evening after making them. But they are very tasty, and if I think about it, I’ll remember to take a photo of them before my coworkers devour them. Also a note, I really wanted to use the mini Reeses’s cups, […]
Chocolate Topped Vanilla Shortbread Cookies

This is a great recipe I wanted to try. I was attempting to make a copy of Safeway’s “Susan Cookies” and I think I did a good job, though if I was having them just for me, I would have used Milk Chocolate, as opposed to Semi-Sweet Chocolate. And maybe baked them a little less, […]